
Student Programs and Scholarships

CTD Assessment

NUMATS has restructured its format and name to CTD Assessment. Click the link below if your child would like the opportunity to pursue above-level testing through the Center for Talent Development at Northwestern University. Fairview's registration code is 8000385. Northwestern University Assessment For Talent Development

JKC Scholarship

If you are a seventh grade student and are interested in applying for the Jack Kent Cooke Scholarship, please check here for more information. One of our graduates benefited greatly from this scholarship. 


If your eighth grade student is interested in attending the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy known as IMSA for high school, please review admission information here 

Should 7/8 students wish to take online high school courses to either fulfill IMSA admission requirements or for interest purposes, here is a list recommended by IMSA:

Weekend / Summer Programs

Many of these programs have both in-person and virtual options. Should any of these activities interest your child, please be aware that some of these programs may involve an application process that requires teacher recommendations. Please give teachers at least a two weeks' notice so they can prepare the best possible recommendation for your child.

Professional Resources

CTD - Refer to this website to explore additional academic opportunities through Northwestern's Center for Talent Development.

IAGC - This Illinois Association for Gifted Children site has numerous resources regarding gifted education in the state of Illinois. 

NAGC - This National Association for Gifted Children site has numerous resources regarding gifted education at the national level.

State Documents - See this link for recommended guidelines from the state.

Downloadable Resources