Special Education & Related Services

Team Members


Mrs. Levit
School Psychologist

Mrs. Bisram

Mrs. Bisram
Speech/Language Pathologist


Speech/Language Pathologist

Falcon Logo

Ms. Cook
Occupational Therapist

Mrs. Alexis

Mrs. Alexis
Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Altschul

Mrs. Altschul
Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Coles  Mrs. Coles
Special Education Teacher

Mrs. Doyle

Mrs. Doyle
Special Education Teacher

Ms. Klein

Ms. Klein
Special Education Teacher


Mrs. Albers 
Special Education Teacher

Shannon Walder

Mrs. Walder
Special Education Teacher

Fairview District 72’s Special Education Department is comprised of staff members from the following domains: special education, school psychology, occupational therapy, and speech pathology. Each of these individuals works in collaboration with parents, general education teachers, and administrators to provide social, emotional, academic, and behavioral support to students and their families.  
Once a student has been found eligible for special education and/or related services, an Individualized Educational Program (IEP) is developed to determine the extent of services appropriate for that student. 
Our special education teachers provide supplemental instruction to students in the general education classroom and direct instruction to students whose educational needs require a modified program. 
Our speech-language pathologists support students with a range of communication disorders, including those involving language, articulation, and fluency. 
Our occupational therapist addresses fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, and self help skills as they relate to the school environment.  Additionally, the occupational therapist can make recommendations for accommodations or strategies to address underlying sensory processing disorders if this is an area that affects classroom participation and learning.
Our school psychologist provides support to students and consultation with teachers, families, and staff to help children succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally. The school psychologist can make recommendations for academic and behavioral supports in the classroom and throughout the school day. If a student is being considered for special education, the school psychologist will complete a psychoeducational evaluation which may include academic, functional and cognitive domains.