Since April 2021, Fairview has been in the process of updating and expanding its communication tools. A large portion of this process has been dedicated to the District’s new website. The District wanted to create a website that was cleaner and easier to navigate in order to find important information.
To accomplish this, the District got rid of the many small modules of information that were checkered across the homepage. Instead you will see a homepage that is cleaner and streamlined in horizontal sections. At the top after the flyover video you will see the upcoming events section where you can scroll through and click on the events. Next you will see the Fairview quick links. In this section you can click on the icons to be directed to the most sought after information or external resources. As you scroll down the homepage you will see image banners of upcoming events or important announcements, news articles and communication letters, official district social media feeds, a full district calendar of events, our mission statement, and the district’s equity statement!
Throughout the website you will find the smiling faces of our Fairview Staff. While exploring the various pages you will learn about the different grade levels and subjects or meet the kitchen staff who prepare our deliciously nutritious food here at Fairview. The District felt that it was important to highlight all staff members here at Fairview since each and every one of us interact and develop the minds of our students.
The District has also expanded our social media presence to other platforms in addition to Twitter. Fairview now has accounts on Instagram, Facebook, & YouTube. The District knew that growth was needed in this area because our community members utilize these other platforms as a source of information. For ease of recognizing the District social media accounts our username is FairviewD72 for all these platforms. Fairview encourages you to click on the links at the bottom to follow and subscribe to social media accounts.
This project has been a long and detail oriented process. The District is continually reviewing and improving our website and other tools for any errors that may have slipped through during this process.
With the many changes, Fairview hopes that you find these tools easier to use and navigate.
Patrick Healy | Director of Technology
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